They used to adorn every soulies holdall and/or vest up and down the land in the 70' fact it was definately a part of the Northern Soul "uniform", and gave you instant identity when en route to a nighter or dayer. Below on this page is a selection of original Casino Club (plus my home town patch - Soul Gloucester!) sew-on patches that used to be on my old holdall...all lovingly sewn on by my goodself and not my mother, I hasten to add!
I've yet to complete my collection of original Casino Club patches, so if anyone is willing to part with any / all of the following, I'd be VERY interested - 1st, 2nd, 3rd anniversary and the first night "Russ & Richard" ones....must be in good condition, mind!

Here are the Casino Club anniversary badges that were given out on the night.
As I've already mentioned I still need the first three to complete the selection.
As you no doubt already know, the "End of an Era" nighter was not to be the final night at the Casino...firstly, there were tickets on sale that very night for another night to feature Tommy Hunt, with the evening to be recorded (see the flyers page for ticket/flyer scans), and secondly an additional half a dozen dates were announced by the end of September '81.
The final night was eventually to be December 5th. '81...I was there!
The popularity for the already established Northern Soul sounds led to the "Oldies" nights (last Friday of each month) becoming just as, if not more popular than the regular Saturday night sessions.
"Mr.M's" was the 100% oldies room which was initially used as an overspill room. It became just as popular as the main hall!
There were also several other original badges produced to cash in on the popularity of the Casino Club...with colour variations and subtle changes to some of the more popular ones over the years. Here are some of my favourites.....has anyone got the "Heart of Soul" one with Tommy Hunt's face profile across the heart?

So, is this the complete set of Casino badges, and their variations...all additions welcome!
HEART OF SOUL - black, yellow words shaped into a heart.
HEART OF SOUL - with Tommy Hunt profile on it. (Also done as a car sticker)
HEART OF SOUL - purple with yellow writing across heart.
KEEP THE FAITH - red with white writing in black Lancashire rose.
KEEP THE FAITH - white with red writing in a black Lancashire rose.
KEEP THE FAITH - blue with soul in the green Lancashire rose.
MR.M's - light blue.
KEEP THE FAITH - white with red writing in a black Lancashire rose.
PUT YOUR FEET WHERE YOUR SOUL IS - black with man doing a back-drop.
KEEP THE FAITH - blue with soul in the green Lancashire rose.
DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY - dark blue, Casino building in white.
NIGHT OWL - lilac with Stompie.
NIGHT OWL - white with red writing.
I'M ON MY WAY - bloke with holdall.
1ST NIGHT SEPT '73 - Russ & Richard with Lancashire rose design.*****
1ST ANN. SEPT '74 - small, single candle + black & white hands shaking.
2ND ANN. SEPT '75 - small, white, blue edging, with "Stompie" sat on half moon with candles.
3RD ANN. SEPT '76 - small with 3 candles and "Stompie".
4TH ANN. SEPT '77 - small, large 4 with "Stompie" in it.
5TH ANN. SEPT '78 - small, Stompie holding a 5.
6TH ANN. SEPT '79 - big 6 with Stompie.
7TH ANN. SEPT '80 - stompie holding his holdall and banner.
END OF AN ERA SEPT '81 - broken heart.
500TH ALL NIGHTER MAY '81 - "keeping the faith", heart over skyline.
OLDIES ALL-NITER - "listen to those memories", black with gramophone.
OLDIES 3RD ANN. FEB '79 - blue with white writing and yellow gramophone
OLDIES 4TH ANN. FEB '80 - orange with black writing and yellow gramophone
OLDIES 5TH ANN. FEB '81- yellow, with red gramophone.
OLDIES FAREWELL NITER SEPT '81 -"Long after tonight...",orange with white gramophone.
EASTER MONDAY SPECIAL '75 - oval badge in black with UK map & arrow pointing to "The heart of soul"
***** - still need one of these for my collection...a decent scan would be nice!
Anorak's Corner
Sew-on Soul Badges